About the Index

In July 2022, we launched the AWA Hybrid Working Index, a quarterly data review to track the development of hybrid working strategies and office rate attendance overtime across the world.   A panel of organisations participated, submitting data from nearly 80 offices in 13 countries representing nearly 80,000 employees.

Each panel organisation involved in the Index completed a short survey detailing for each of their locations the hybrid policies being applied, the total number of employees and desks in each building, and the number of people using the office each day in a typical week.

This information has allowed us to create a detailed picture of hybrid working policy and office use across multiple sectors and geographies.  The headline findings, along with comparison between sectors and geographies, are presented in this report.  The Index is conducted quarterly, so data can be reviewed and compared over time.

To view the findings of the first submission, complete the form below.

To access the AWA Hybrid Index Report 1 (July 2022) and / or to join our panel of organisations, please complete your details below:
