What should we do with our space? (ep. 46)
Are we making the best of what we have?
As organizations continue to figure out their approach to hybrid working, many are finding that they have more space than they need. While some are holding onto that space, in the belief that people will gradually return to working in the office, others are looking for ways to offload it. And there is also a need to ensure that the space that is provided works well – generating confidence that it will fulfil the needs that they have when they come into the office to work with colleagues.
As companies come to grips with a more hybrid and remote workforce, their office footprint is changing drastically – but what does that mean for the efficiency and usefulness of the space that we have? Are we making the best use of what we have, or do we need to get rid of some of it?
In this episode, Karen is joined by Mark Gilbreath, founder and CEO of LiquidSpace, to talk about innovation in the workplace. Mark argues that because space is so poorly used, the decision to downsize portfolios is probably long overdue.
Fellow guests include senior AWA associates, Nida Mehtab, Clare Danahay, and Matthew Atkin.
Featured speakers:
Mark Gilbreath – Founder and CEO, LiquidSpace
Nida Mehtab – Senior Associate, AWA (US)
Matthew Atkin – Senior Associate, AWA (UK)
Clare Danahay -Senior Associate and designer, AWA (UK)